On this page, you can find the most recent reports, publications, and presentations from this project.
San Luis Obispo Mexican Indigenous Community Study:
Executive Summary
The San Luis Obispo County Mexican Indigenous Community Study Executive Summary provides an overview of the demographic profiles, living conditions, and health challenges faced by the Mexican Indigenous population in San Luis Obispo County. Emphasizing the urgent need for community service development, enhanced digital health communication, and targeted interventions for young children and their parents to address persistent public health and social disparities.
San Luis Obispo Mexican Indigenous Community Study:
Report of Findings
This report comprehensively assesses the demographic characteristics, living conditions, and health challenges of the Mexican Indigenous community in San Luis Obispo County. It identifies key issues such as overcrowded housing, limited access to quality water, and health disparities and proposes targeted recommendations to enhance Medi-Cal enrollment, address language barriers, and improve healthcare capacity, among others, to support the community's well-being and integration. This provides detailed information about the data, methods, and results of the study.
San Luis Obispo Mexican Indigenous Community Study:
Presentation of Findings
Our team is happy to share the findings of this study with community members and stakeholders. We provided a comprehensive overview of the study to the San Luis Obispo County Regional Equity Roundtable, which incorporates the full findings and recommendations from this study. You can download the slides from this presentation using the following button. The recording is embedded below in English and Spanish.